Wednesday, December 10, 2008

i need a nap

so all my work sanding on saturday was mostly a waste of time. Some of the plaster was not completely dry and could not be sanded, and the rest of the room just wasn't coming out the way I should have. I ended up covering most of the room with a skim coat of plaster on sunday morning with the intention of sanding on monday night and being done with it. That didn't happen. I ended up feeling terrible on monday, stayed home from work and slept most of the day. Then at about 2am a rediculous case of food poisoning kicked into high gear. I was woked up by some severe lower abdominal pain which was followed by a mass exodus of everything in my digestive tract and stomach. It was the first time I have ever had to puke into the trash can while on the toilet, and I hope it was also the last. I can honestly say it was the most unpleasant experience of my life. Tuesday was spent on the couch feeling completely miserable. Today I dragged myself to work and can't wait to get home to my bed.

This unfortunate series of events has put me seriously behind schedule on all of my projects.

One consolation is that John and I printed the xmas cards on sunday, so there is minimal work left with that project. I think I'll have them in the mail on monday, which is not what I hoped for, but accepteble.

Sometimes I wish being me wasn't such a shit show, but what can I do.
Til next time.

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