Saturday, December 6, 2008

dust in my eyes

so I'm taking a little break from sanding the ceiling and walls of my crap hole of a bathroom. This has proven to be much harder that I anticipated, mostly because the sanding block keeps skipping on the ceiling and shooting shit into my eyes. That and the fact that I didn't wake up taday until 2:30 is discouraging me a bit.

I was supposed to go to a party tonight, but that is totally not happening now. I've had a headache/migrane for 30 hours straight at varying intensities, and I feel like it will be a miracle if I can finish the task at hand, never mind go out afterward.

I really wish it had occured to me to get some eye protection when i has at the hardware store yesterday. too late for that now. time for a big glass of water, then back to work so I can hopefully finish before John gets home from work.

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